Bright Idea #6: Cultivate a sense of wonder and joy.
"You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it." I was winter for so long spring scares me. Theres so much pale and stiff from sleeping shut away stored like honey in a tomb and this is my voyage across the river of forgetting. Having forgotten who i am having forgotten the deep peace and unwreckable beauty of the self. Compost the shroud throw the key into the ocean make a wish. All is well and all is well and all manner of things will be well. Cold night frost dawn the sky benevolent blue everything softens opens smiles in the sunlight i make space for what is coming i make space for the Unnamed Weaver of these threads i weave my own thread and am woven. I make space for all things all experiences i will not deny any i will weave my own thread and watch in wonder as i am woven. Its all a part of me, very Uncle Walt, "i contain multitudes," the dogs, gravel, coffee bean, snapdragon, cloud, kitchen chair, sleeping husband. there is nothing i am not of, nor anything that is not of me. hands to heart i bow to your divinity which is my divinity. cold day my body aches for the sun hungry for the spring the thing that drives the green shoot the angel that encourages it to grow i am the spring the thing the shoot the angel when you get this everything gets really sweet and quiet and you want to smile and cry and theres peace there and happiness and a tenderness for all things. and thats my spring. its not me thats afraid its my ego. dissolving into everything i lose my dependence on ego to provide the illusion of separation. the ego is not useful like a millstone more like a cicada casing maybe, really fragile and altogether left behind. so ill leave the shell of my false identities buried in with the compost and commit to the seasons the rhythms the resurrection and renaissance of my very soul.