J.K. Commandment #22: Dont think of words when you stop but to see picture better.
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving." Woke up coffee and a kiss after i weave angels into red hair back for a nap and a deep dream with women oracles presages got on my bike chanticleer the blue rooster pedaled west listened to riley song snowmelt canticle glorious beyond green skunk cabbage wide open boldly arrayed hip deep in shining ditch water exactly what it is where it is the wheels turning rolling past good earth smells water smells green smells future foresters cutting down trees fox reveling on a scented trail light on the water everywhere stop to just look drink good water just look listen exactly what it is where it is the valley my great goddess comes full to view and little whitewashed armies ricket her cleft our future sketched out in empty triangles not spinning. laughter and working together people thinking breathing i ride past smiling over the river up the road trash everywhere adopt this highway the sign says and i think of doing it reclaiming it saying this earth is loved and reunited with its strength and beauty in the name of magickal earthlings everywhere you good flag waving god fearing van drivers thinking the roadside is your anonymous ashtray landfill all the trash that only rattles around reminding you how brief and weak you are why am i so angry? stopping to breathe look drink give bone gratitude stop to connect with post office ladies the topic death mass death the fall of government the almighty implacable diseases that makes them feel so brief and weak they have to turn the show off. post office angels gifted me with chiming beautiful book about the land i love the earth i worship a woman and her near and dear hand to heart communion with love in the shape of dirt seed shoot fruit becoming clear light peaceful whole.
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Blessed Be.