"The future is not some place we're going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found but made. And the activity of making them changes both the maker and their destination."
"Each time we act in service of our sacred intentions, each time we align our energies and our actions with what we most truly love, we gain in personal power and ability, the path before us becomes clearer, and the help and allies we need come to us."
"...because there is/joy in what the earth gives, allowing/our bodies to mingle with it, our voices/small on the field, our work assuring the goats/can give milk, the sheep can grow wool,/and we will have in our bones the taste/of something so old it travels in light."
#4 and i celebrate MLKjr listening to his speeches on npr and the voices of those who were there. mavis staples and odetta. we craft. he paints a picture of, "a tree that is struck by a sunbeam and by lightning and the tree is dancing and screaming." he says his life is complicated. the sisterpack leaves, ready to renew their love of luxury. made monkey bread, biscuits and gravy on request. the sun shines. mercury in retrograde. in a quiet headspace, riding the groovy wave of hope these days have in me inspired. the days are longer but terrible cold. coffee and monkey bread and tomorrow is january 20th, 02009. im learning the power of prayer in a lot of beautiful ways. thank you.
17 of 365:
1. NPR.
2. Monkey Bread, all 72 Pieces of It.
3. Mavis Staples.
4. Cinnamon and Flaxseeds.
5. Watching Ferris Buellers Day Off with #4.
6. #4 Beat-Boxing.
7. He Apologized for "Everything."
8. The Crushing Psychic Burden It Suddenly and Subsequently Liberates me From.
9. Whales.