The Big Day. romantic snow falling im knitting across the transfer of power the little birthday blanket for the little limb. painted an amanita muscaria and traced my hand. everybody comes home, #4 finds chocolate i stashed and forgot about. ate a great quantity of purple cabbage for dinner. happy. walked out into the world. talked with my neighbors. smiled at the trees. the quality of light is changing, there was a bright smudge of yellow in it this afternoon. the two of us are cuddly and a wee bit more at ease. #2 calls to wish me a happy inauguration. its official, its real. theyre so beautiful and easy together. only the best. may he be our Good Captain. there is a quiet in my heart, a night in winter, something stirring deep beneath, waiting for the solid snow to sing water into the earth.
18 of 365:
1. it went off lovely, and i was alive to see it.
2. walking out into the snow with my dog.
3. firewood.
4. friendly neighbors.
5. art supplies.
6. his gentleness and kindness.
7. the organic loveliness of purple cabbage.
8. surprise chocolate.
9. uncovering a stash of paperbacks that saves his near reading future.