"...to be incorruptibly true to myself/and fair to others,/to find in this way/the right measure/of my own worth."
Cold, and ive started answering the phone, but im not jazzed about it. shut my mouth and call me pavlovs dog. bought chikn-n-fixins one town over and it seems like all the women i talk to are becoming massage therapists. this happened in the early nineties, too. those massage therapist women have all moved to the west coast to pursue more lucrative tomorrows without the carpal tunnel. i love my dogs. i love gary paulsen because he loves his dogs, and he understands that he doesnt understand but he wants to understand. gotta keep the channel open. burnt #2 another disc and he left with high-carbon-footprint fruit, somewhere theres a bowl to put it in. that awesome vintage wooden fruit bowl on the wooden bead feet and i gave it away because thats what you need to do. give it away. give away the fruit and books and all the light and energy i hold in my heart. give it away. but the channel needs to be open to receive. my eyes are tired and im flannel-brained from my nightly cabernet night-cap but i just started another load and need to empty the dish drain and prompt coffee for the morrow. were a funny couple. an old couple. and hell or high water well make the summer hootenanny well stocked, the color of the sun.
14 of 465:
1. Hot Water Bottles with Homemade Cozies.
2. Gary Paulsen Books.
3. The Second Son.
4. Striding Through the Cold, Noticing Things.
5. The Hearth.
6. My Atlantis Stone.
7. Tom Waits.
8. Dancing.
9. Fruit.
"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun."