"Sometimes I read about someone saying with great authority that animals have no intentions and no feelings, and I wonder, 'Doesn't this guy have a dog?'"
In my dream the falling man became a running pack of smoke wolves when he hit the ground. everyone smiling and squealing and exchanging small gifts and i tied the bracelet to my wrist so maybe it would work. i fled and there werent any cardamom pods and i came home and despaired and TOOK MY MEDS and in a little while felt like i could go on. this time of year is extraordinarily difficult for me. im certainly not alone in this but my difficulties are unique in that they are mine. so. driving home one eye on the slanting sunlight on the mountain fantasized about dissolving into a trillion motes of light, rising and shifting in the wind, apart and away. so many fine images today out there, the yellow sky, the shaft of light, the little yellow apples on the bare branched tree, the hawk watching the ground below. i made dinner and checked homework and put in a load and read more blue dolphin to #4 and on second thought made a 1234 for the staff breakfast but forgot to butter the pan and briefly considered making those insane cake balls but on third thought opted for the rough-and-tumble hippie approach of slicing the Great Crevasse and serving it on my grand chipped yard sale english rose platter and someone said they wanted to know me and my inner critic sits back in her smoking chair, swirling burgundy and smirking into her silk scarf, the high heel grinding into persian pile and the eyes squarely on me. what drowns me is the expectation of the season that comes from the outside, not my life and times, this time of year i would have of my own devising. the obligation, like a state holiday youre required by law to observe, the birthday of some benevolent overlord.
and if photos of some guys french bulldogs in frog hats gets me through, so be it.