"If the eye of the heart is open, in each atom there will be one hundred secrets."
"Silently one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven/Blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of angels."
A big melt. Driving home window wide open seasonally disoriented by the warm wind and the fields revealed startled and hummocky. creek churning melt birdsong Z. running through puddles across the lawn but no smell of spring just deep wet from feet of christmas snow. low sky lower lower fortifying myself with fierce coffee and an evening preparing for guests on the morrow #1 and 2, the daughter-mother with the first branch on the third limb, his hearts delight. bless me ive learned enough to keep it simple, good enough and put a little heart into it. baked goods and i splurged on maple syrup and forgot milk. things are changing.
6 of 365:
1. my stove-top popcorn popper.
2. sweetened condensed milk.
3. honesty.
4. im learning slowly how to throw a frisbee properly.
5. my shoes are washable.
6. i make an awesome crisp.
7. rechargeable batteries.
8. my kids are healthy.
9. health insurance after twenty years.