"Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise."
Dreamed we went into the baptist church with a huge white dog but the guy wasnt thirty seconds into his sermon and i had to leave. learned how to I-cord. knit some mitts for the granddaughter. thirty seems balmy, the snow melted like march, the hearth heart of the home bright and beating. the domestic storm passes leaving a quiet calm that i can breathe in. they had a benefit for her and no one came, but i knit a sock and sang along to the bar band covers of james gang, badfinger, grand funk. the cloud is clean but grey and this deep season may call for something new. flannel fitted and cotton duvet cover. setting goals and making plans to dance in the new calendar year with my Higher Self. grateful for what is. trying to raise them. raise them Up. lemon tea and local honey, wrote lunar, loner. read oz with #4 as the snow fell. remembering to breathe.