Bright Idea #105: Live in Season.
"One granite ridge/A tree, would be enough/Or even a rock, a small creek,/A bark shred in a pool./Hill beyond hill, folded and twisted/Tough trees crammed/In thin stone fractures/A huge moon on it all, is too much./The mind wanders. A million
Summers, night air still and the rocks/Warm. Sky over endless mountains./All the junk that goes with being human/Drops away, hard rock wavers/Even the heavy present seems to fail/This bubble of a heart./Words and books/Like a small creek off a high ledge
Gone in the dry air./A clear, attentive mind/Has no meaning but that/Which sees is truly seen./No one loves rock, yet we are here./Night chills. A flick/In the moonlight/Slips into Juniper shadow:/Back there unseen/Cold proud eyes/Of Cougar or Coyote/Watch me rise and go." First time through i accomplish the kitchener stitch thanks to a woman in norway. phlegmy, rattle-lunged, the bold biotic army bivouacs in all quarters, circling the heart. dry scanty snow, im due to oversee recess in a few hours, waiting for my jeans to dry. last nights dream more alienation and wandering, a drying rack wrapped in christmas lights, skunks and pigs in the mall foyer, cats and birds in the ceiling. i went for a soda and discovered three five-hundred dollar bills in my wallet. a feminist film festival, the face of marilyn monroe on the hood of a blue corvette. little bread skulls and illuminated pumpkins, a call from the soul-brother beneath the same starry sky.