Bright Idea #16: Focus on bringing out your unique radiance instead of trying to fit into someone else's standard.
"The transfiguration of matter occurs through wonder." Day of school walked to garage Everyone is Beautiful people remember she said something about the words i use i am one of them more than one of you a pile of money in little envelopes sent out to feed the wheels we talked about war and abortion in the car on the way to town for a pile of money to feed the wheel the sky lowers and blows but does not rain. propagating library spider plants everyones getting ready for going theyre counting the days its a hive of spring sneakers squeaking laughing loudly no running im mumbling half hearted it must feel so good to run. the sky lowers and blows and im hoping for rain to slake the dry earth envelope of seeds the tomatoes look stressed but the peppers thrive in stippled points everything becoming what it is in its time. theres coffee when i arrive and a pile of books about art and horses and hamsters and the outlaw jesse james i realize they see me as an outlaw outside out there beyond the pale fringe starlit and smelling of earth my law is love generosity kindness forgiveness wonder i told him you are too cool to be unkind. reaching beautiful union with aluminum mule well turn this good earth before they fence it in and then ill fence it in and grow flowers around it sweet pea snapdragon echinacea flax i am growing into my garden i am a garden Earth is a garden we are stardust we are golden just keep breathing rain and sun night and morning Be Peace that is all there is to be.