J.K. Commandment #7: Blow as deep as you want to blow.
" When it is dark enough, you can see the stars." By moving away from something you gain perspective on how the thing itself is woven into the greater cloth. The thread shares its strength and color with the others, is at once integral and unique. We are not the columns of Ozymandias -- singular, supporting nothing but the weight of memory of what once was home for the soul. We are columns of light, supporting the weight of the world. We each contribute our color and our strength, at once integral and unique. Unkindness is isolation, unwillingness to share what is given to share. Unkindness is poverty of the soul, a column of Ozymandias, barrenness and ruin. Let the light flow through you, through the cracks in the column made by time and heartbreak. Let the light flow through you into every other thing in the weave of this Universe. This is integrity. This is Love, given to be shared.